Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Only 24?

If i was just suddenly just told i have 24 hours to get out of my house? what would i do?  Where would i go? How would i live?

To begin if  i were to be kicked out. Me and my mom would prob Talk about places to go and then sort out how much money we have. Things to take would prob be our Most expensive belongings. We would pack everything in the back of her truck and then go to a family members house to see what next step we should take from there.  We wouldn't probably bring our dogs just because there very expensive.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Foreclosure is hiting everyone hard. People are leaving there houses trashed. This includes thier pools as well.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tyler Clementi?? Y did he do it?

On Sept 22 A  College student posted on his Blog that he posted on his facebook that i quot"Jumping off the gw bridge sorry."  Its a sad thing when some one has to take thier own life. Because some other people pushed them over the edge and they think that thats thier only escape. Thier is 2 people under ivestigation Names i will not put in. But i guess that one night Tylers "friend" ask to use his room till mdnight and put video cameras  in his room. Then Tyler later on was seen with another man in his room being video taped and streamed over the Web. Its a sad thing when this happens